LIFE EcoTimberCell visits sawmills to disseminate the Structural Timber Sourcing and Characterisation Guide

The "Guide to the supply and characterisation of structural timber" is a publication that provides knowledge and tools to the forestry and timber construction sector to develop the characterisation of structural timber. Due to its easy reading and abundant graphic material, it can become a very useful reference document for the Galician timber industries and their specialisation.

Characterization of the Betanzos HB high density fiberboard in LIFE EcoTimberCell project

In the framework of LIFE EcoTimberCell project, the characterization of the hardboard (Tablex) of Betanzos HB has been carried out, whose manufacture is characterized by not using artificial adhesives to link the wood fibers. They are high density wood fiber boards from local forests, one hundred percent ecological and sustainable. One of the objectives of the project is their incorporation into the EcoTimbercell structural systems, so their characterization seeks to adapt their performance to use with improved qualities of mechanical resistance, moisture and reaction to fire.

Did you know that it is possible to estimate the mechanical properties of a piece of wood without destructive testing?

The LIFE EcoTimberCell project applies the non-destructive methodology in the determination of mechanical properties, establishing correlations between static laboratory tests and sonic wave propagation tests. Do you want to know how? In the "Guide to the Supply and Grading of Structural Wood" you can consult the procedure followed, the equipment used and the formulas that will allow you to obtain the results for the classification of wood.

When we talk about wood we also talk about singularity. Knots, cracks, resin pockets, fibre deviation... all intrinsic characteristics of wood, and which make it a material with a high variability

The visual classification helps us to analyse the singularities present in a piece of wood and, based on the criteria defined in the reference standards, to determine whether or not that element is valid for a structural purpose. To learn more about how to analyze the anatomical characteristics of wood and the regulations that govern this process, please consult the "Guide to the Supply and Grading of Structural Wood".

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