Characterization of the Betanzos HB high density fiberboard in LIFE EcoTimberCell project

In the framework of LIFE EcoTimberCell project, the characterization of the hardboard (Tablex) of Betanzos HB has been carried out, whose manufacture is characterized by not using artificial adhesives to link the wood fibers. They are high density wood fiber boards from local forests, one hundred percent ecological and sustainable. One of the objectives of the project is their incorporation into the EcoTimbercell structural systems, so their characterization seeks to adapt their performance to use with improved qualities of mechanical resistance, moisture and reaction to fire.

Characterization of the Betanzos HB high density fiberboard in LIFE EcoTimberCell project

In order to determine the behavior of the board that will constitute the core of the EcoTimberCell structural cells, the board is subjected to a characterization process by means of non-destructive (wave propagation technique) and destructive methods (mechanical traction tests, ...).

The results allow us to study the possibilities of improving both the board and its manufacture, which translates into the improvement of the EcoTimberCell products themselves thanks to the optimization of the use of the raw material or its mechanical characteristics and the behavior of the product in specific situations.

The characterization process of the Tablex board can be seen in the following video:

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