Local wood characterization in LIFE EcoTimberCell project

Wood has variability in its properties, not only depending on the species, as well for the local environment conditions and the silviculture techniques applied. It is therefore essential to know the particular properties of local wood from sustainable forest management, which will be used in the manufacture of EcoTimberCell structural systems.

Local wood characterization in LIFE EcoTimberCell project

The characterization process involves a visual classification of the wood to know its resistance class and then evaluate its properties through destructive mechanical tests. However, since LIFE EcoTimberCell project, the use of non-destructive methods has been included to obtain the mechanical properties of the wood, allowing to correlate the data obtained in the mechanical tests through step formulas, which relate the dynamic modulus of elasticity obtained through non-destructive methods with the static modulus of elasticity of the destructive tests.

The incorporation of these passage formulas and the use of non-destructive methods in the local wood processing industry will allow the supply of classified wood with very low levels of uncertainty in the determination of its mechanical properties. Increasing the quality of the local wood supply and increasing the value chain of the structural systems from the raw material.

The summary of this characterization process can be seen in the following video:

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