Webinars: Characterisation of structural timber - 26 May and 2 June

The characterisation of structural wood will be the subject of the next two webinars, organised within the framework of the LIFE EcoTimberCell project.

Webinars: Characterisation of structural timber - 26 May and 2 June

The first day will take place on 26 May, and we will continue talking about wood characterisation on 2 June. Both webinars will be more informative than the previous ones.

To open the conference, we will start by presenting the Guide for the characterisation of structural wood developed in the LIFE project. The first session will focus on the visual classification of wood, and will be given by Mónica Ruy, Martina Fernández and Helga Peral, members of the Joint Research Unit, Circular economy of wood for low-energy construction, in which the timber company FINSA and the University of Santiago de Compostela participate through Plataforma de Ingeniería de la Madera Estructural (PEMADE).

In the second session we will have the participation of Raquel Gonçalves, from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP in Brazil, who will talk about non-destructive classification methods, and María Portela, from PEMADE, who will focus her presentation on destructive methods.

As in previous sessions, there will be time for questions and discussion at the end of the conference.

To participate in the online conference, please register at the following link: https://forms.gle/m3ppi5g26aFg8Z9J6

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