Participate in the last EcoTimberCell webinar on timber and climate change mitigation

Next Wednesday, 27 October, we will close the second block of webinars focused on wood and its role in climate change mitigation. This will be the third day dedicated to this topic.

Participate in the last EcoTimberCell webinar on timber and climate change mitigation

We will start with the intervention of Leonardo Llamas, from Edifico Passivhaus studio, who will talk about wood and Passivhaus. Then, we will continue talking about bio-construction and wood with Martín Moreda from ESPIGA, the Galician Association for Bio-construction.

In the second part of the day we will learn about the European projects ICEBERG Project: Circular Economy of Building Materials and H2020 Basajaun, with David García and Javier García, respectively, both from Tecnalia.

At the end of the day, as always, there will be time for debate.

Register for the webinar at the following link:

We will keep you informed of the dates and programmes of the last block of webinars, held in the framework of the LIFE EcoTimberCell project, which will focus on the actions and products developed in the project.

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