LIFE EcoTimberCell en las I Jornadas Internacionales Madera 2020

During the 7th and 8th of February the I International Conference Wood 2020 will take place with the slogan Technology - Project, in La Coruña, at CESUGA's headquarters, with 3 sessions that link wood to the territory, architecture and furniture.

The LIFE EcoTimberCell project will be present in the second session of Wood and Architecture, on 7 February, at 16:15, through Manuel Guaita as a speaker, with the paper entitled Development of new products for a Galician bioeconomy of construction.

These sessions will focus on Technological Innovation and its relationship with the Project, understanding this as a rational search for intelligent, coherent and logical solutions, highlighting biological, ecological and anthropological issues as a guarantee for a more sustainable way of living.

This conferences are organized by the Galician Agency of the Forest Industry (XERA) and the CESUGA School of Architecture.

Registration for this conference is free and can be done directly from the following website:

You can download the program of the conference at the following link

LIFE EcoTimberCell en las I Jornadas Internacionales Madera 2020

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