The Eco-construction cluster of Wallonia and Brussels meets the LIFE EcoTimberCell Project

The Belgian Cluster of Eco-Construction of Wallonia and Brussels has visited Betanzos HB within an initiative to know the current scene of the sector of wood in Galicia facilitated through the Cluster of the Wood and the Design of Galicia.

The Eco-construction cluster of Wallonia and Brussels meets the LIFE EcoTimberCell Project

In this visit of 19/02/2019, the Belgian Cluster of Eco-Construction of Wallonia and Brussels could know the constructive solutions result of the industrial research project Board2Door and the LIFE EcoTimberCell project has been presented to them, where Betanzo HB participates in the development of a board for the manufacture of structural systems of cellular construction 100% of wood.

During the visit, ties were established for cooperation with the Cluster in advancing our purpose of generating value from local wood and mitigating climate change.


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