EcoTimberCell: A commitment to climate change mitigation

The LIFE EcoTimberCell (ETC) project is a pilot project to validate and apply ETC structural products, thereby reducing CO2 emissions from construction, increasing the energy efficiency of housing and increasing the demand for wood from sustainable forest management.

EcoTimberCell: A commitment to climate change mitigation

LIFE EcoTimberCell contributes mainly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but also to increasing climate resilience. The contribution to the first of these objectives will be achieved by influencing the sustainable use of solid biomass, by replacing traditional building materials with more efficient innovative wood cells.

EcoTimberCell: A commitment to climate change mitigation

Building with ETC systems will have a transformative impact on the construction sector towards a more resource-efficient and less carbon-intensive sector. Each of the project partners is working and contributing their expertise in a specific field. In this video we wanted to reflect the work of each of them, and present the structural systems developed within the project:

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