Conclusions of the webinars "Timber and climate change mitigation" now available

The conclusions of the second block of webinars organised in the framework of the EcoTimberCell project on "Wood and climate change mitigation" are now available.

Conclusions of the webinars "Timber and climate change mitigation" now available

During this autumn, we dedicated 3 days to this topic, in which experts in wood construction and energy efficiency highlighted the value of this natural material, defining it as a fundamental element for the development of sustainable construction that contributes to mitigating climate change.

The debates at these seminars once again highlighted the importance of support from the administration and from legislation to promote sustainable construction, and the need for good training at all levels, from engineers and architects to structural fitters.

In the Resources section you can consult the document containing the conclusions of the conference, framed in the ETC working group, and the presentations of the speakers.

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