Colaboration with the IES Politécnico de Lugo

The ETC+ cell has been developed in the framework of Action C3 of LIFE EcoTimberCell project. This is conceived as an EcoTimberCell in which the connection between the board and the wood is made by means of a woodworking fitting, avoiding the use of structural adhesives.

Colaboration with the IES Politécnico de Lugo

A collaboration with the IES Politécnico de Lugo took place in November, by means of a numerical control cutting machine (NCC) was made available to LIFE EcoTimberCell project. Thanks to this tool, it has been possible to improve the manufacture of ETC+ cells, obtaining prototypes with a high quality and precision of finishes in the joints. Once the manufacture of the cells was finished, it was proposed to organize a visit of the students and teachers of the IES Politécnico de Lugo to the facilities of the PEMADE laboratory to be able to witness the tests of the ETC+ cells.

Colaboration with the IES Politécnico de Lugo

During their visit to the laboratory, they were able to witness the bending test of the ETC+ cells and the application of digital image correlation using ARAMIS, to evaluate the deformations and displacements generated in the cell due to the application of load during the test. Furthermore, the visit was used to explain the main objectives of LIFE EcoTimberCell project and the different structural systems that are proposed from the ETC Cell.

Colaboration with the IES Politécnico de Lugo

The visit was great interest to the students and teachers of the centre, opening up the possibilities of future collaborations and generating the dissemination of project results.

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