Bulletin 4 LIFE EcoTimberCell available

We have published our fourth bulletin of the LIFE EcoTimberCell project in Spanish, English, Galician and Catalan language. It is available for download in the Resources section of our website.

Bulletin 4 LIFE EcoTimberCell available

The fourth newsletter is dedicated to the development of the "EcoTimberCell Cell". In it, the characteristics of the cell are presented. It is a linear structural element, of the "box girder" type, made up of timber cords and the hard fibreboard manufactured by Betanzos HB, 100% natural, totally adhesive-free.

Bulletin 4 LIFE EcoTimberCell available

It should be noted that all the wood used for the manufacture of the cell comes from local plantations with sustainable forest management.

In the document you can consult in detail the analysis carried out on the properties of the assembled product in the following sections:

  • Gluing between materials
  • Numerical calculation
  • Validation tests
  • Thermal simulation
  • ETC +
Bulletin 4 LIFE EcoTimberCell available

It also includes relevant news from the second half of 2020.

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