LIFE EcoTimberCell awarded in the VI VI Edición Concurso de Proxectos Empresariais Semente Ribeira Sacra

The business project Timbersoul Innovations, generated in the context of LIFE EcoTimberCell has been awarded in the VI Edición Concurso de Proxectos Empresariais Semente Ribeira Sacra.


LIFE EcoTimberCell awarded in the VI VI Edición Concurso de Proxectos Empresariais Semente Ribeira Sacra

This competition is organized by "A Semente de Monforte", an association whose objective is to promote solidarity in the Ribeira Sacra and "sow" initiatives that promote the development of the region. Therefore, this contest was born with the aim of rewarding the projects with the best ideas of business entrepreneurship.

Timbersoul Innovations has received the third prize, with an economic amount of 3.000€.

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